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May 27, 2008



The problem with capitalism, as any fool know, is that it is an insatiable system that relies on satiable institutions and individuals.

The problem with capitalism is that it gives people too much?

That is a failure mode I think I can live with.

Will Davies

OK, in addition to this attack that throwaway remark seems to be causing some consternation. It's a (not very) oblique reference to Marx, who argued that capital could only survive by growing. This means a constant increase in inputs (of labour, technology, natural resources) but also results in a constant increase in outputs. As it becomes more productive, the value of its productive capacity and of its products inevitably falls. One way of delaying crisis is to find a market/government/someone capable of consuming surplus goods and keeping the wheel turning. Understanding why this growth is necessary is explained in volume one of Capital.

Sorry for any confusion, and I shall try not to tread on any common-sense-psychologist toes in future...

A contrarian

books you really shouldn't read: try Beyond Authority: Leadership in a Changing World by Julia Middleton ;o)

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