Since the Brexit referendum result on 24th June, I've written a series of blogposts and articles trying to make sense of this crisis for the UK, both its antecedents and implications. I've collected these below, and will continue to add to this post as more appear.
- The Sociology of Brexit - interview with Mark Carrigan for Sociological Review blog
- The Protective State - PERCblog, 6th October
- Interview on Brexit, Trump and 'post-truth' - Wisconsin Public Radio, 21st September
- The Age of Post-truth Politics - The New York Times, 24th August
- Brexit: Views from Wales - BBC documentary I participated in, 19th July
- Liberalism after Brexit - PERCblog, 13th July
- Brexit will make things worse: is that why people voted for it? - Washington Post 1st July
- What sort of crisis is this? - PERCblog, 29th June
- Thoughts on the Sociology of Brexit - PERCblog, 24th June (generously translated by readers into Greek, Italian and Spanish )